Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Airport - Chicken Rice - Ice Bailey - Home

Chloe : We woke up very early as we are sending our "Ya-Ya" (read: maid) home ! It was a long journey to the airport but was an eye-opener for Ryan and me.

Ryan was busy running around and daddy keep wanting to take a photo for him and here's the result.

Don't you think that he is being forced to pose for the photo. Where 's your smile :)

Ryan : After sending ya-ya off , Daddy and Mummy brought us to this famous Chicken Rice Shop in Balestier for our late lunch.

Why are we waiting, why are waiting....

Finally, the food came... well, the roasted chicken tasted horrible and guessed what, the best thing we liked was the ICE COLD HOME MADE BAILEY :P & not the famous 鸡饭

(: (: Look at our satisfaction :) :)

After satisfying our stomach - we went home :)

posted by Chloe & Ryan at 15:19 | Permalink |